
Hyrule Foundry is a blog that combines the ever-changing world of 3D printing and the timeless Zelda Universe.  Posts are about 3D printing, Zelda and a mix of the two!

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Why 3D printing?

3D printing technology is evolving almost as fast as computer technology. With the variety of materials and methods being utilized and developed, it’s hard to keep up. We will be weighing the pros and cons of the various methods and comparing their costs. Posts will discuss personal and professional printers, software and reviews of online 3D printing services.   So get ready to review and explore the world of personal and professional 3D printing like never before.

Why Zelda?

First off, it is one of the greatest video game series of all time. I received the original Legend of Zelda on my 6th birthday and have been an avid follower of the series ever since. The imaginative storytelling of the creators and overall ambiance of innocence is a great reprieve from the shooters and other darker video games of the day. Second, the games are filled with fun collectible items such as dungeon maps and swords, perfect for showing off the limits of 3D printing.

  1. Hey,
    I am a reader of hyrulefoundry. I didn’t see an article on 3d printing organs on your website, I think it could be one of the greatest technology of 2013. It will revolutionize medicine. This is why I recommend you to make an article on it 😉
    Here are some websites speaking about it:
    http://www.technologeek.net/using-3-d-printing-to-create-synthetic-organs/ – interesting informations about 3d printing.
    http://www.popsci.com/science/article/2013-07/how-3-d-printing-body-parts-will-revolutionize-medicine – More details on the technology and medicine applications.
    Hope this will help you, keep making good technology articles.
    Best regards.

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